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at Providence


at Witherspoon Hall

Providence’s main campus, Witherspoon Hall, a Gothic Revival style church built in 1928, has been designated a historical city landmark. Located two blocks north of Colorado Boulevard, this 80,000 square foot building houses weekly chapel, classrooms, administrative offices, and spaces for students to study and congregate.


Student apartments

Providence students live in fully furnished apartment buildings within a block of our main campus, affording them the opportunity to enjoy communal living with oversight provided by on-site resident life staff.


with classmates

One of the great joys of the Providence experience is the lasting friendships you’ll make, the places you’ll explore together, and the laughs and tears you’ll share with each other as you grow. Visit our campus to experience our living, learning community.


Weekly Worship

Chapel is a weekly centerpiece at Providence. Every Wednesday, our student body gathers together in Witherspoon Hall to worship and be encouraged by God’s word. Click below to listen to our latest chapel messages.


Your new home
in a world-class city

Providence Christian College is located in the heart of the Playhouse District in Old Pasadena, California. Founded in 1874, Pasadena is a world-class city renowned for it’s sublime architecture, historical legacy, and thriving cultural community.

Our Extended Campus

The Playhouse District

Providence students enjoy a number of amenities associated with our immediate neighborhood, including coffee shops, the Fuller Seminary campus, food service provided by local vendors, shopping, entertainment, dining, and local churches, all within walking distance.


Pasadena, California

From its romantic civic buildings, monumental churches, and illustrious art museums, to its burgeoning entertainment, shopping, and dining, Pasadena provides an illuminating environment for our students to mature both academically and spiritually.


Los Angeles

Pasadena is less than 15 miles from countless iconic landmarks like the Griffith Observatory, Hollywood, Universal Studios, downtown Los Angeles, Staples Center, Hollywood Bowl, and only a short Metro ride to Santa Monica beach pier.


Genevieve Alexander

Genevieve Alexander

Resident Director

Kyle Kortenhoeven

Kyle Kortenhoeven

Resident Director and Chapel Coordinator

Providence Christian College
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Alliance Defending Freedom