Page 128 - 2019-2020 Academic Catalog - Providence Christian College
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successful onsite work equals one academic credit. Two goals for each internship are developed in conjunction with the student and an additional two required goals are developed by the professor. The goals reflect an increasing level of difficulty through the 199/299/399 sequence. Prerequisite: EDU 101 and 199. (1-3 credits)
300 Exceptional Learners
This course equips future classroom teachers with the knowledge and skills required to meet the educational needs of students with exceptional abilities or disabilities. The categories of exceptionality covered in this course focus on those most prevalent in the classroom, such as learning disabled, ADD (with and without hyperactivity), emotional and behavioral disorders, language and communication disorders, autism spectrum disorders, and gifted and talented. Practically, this course will be presented from an overarching perspective of differentiated learning, applying pedagogy and assessment adaptations to meet the needs of all students in the classroom. Prerequisites: PSY 201 (3 credits)
301 Curriculum and Instruction
This course develops an orientation and worldview for a school’s curriculum that emerges from or is in harmony with the Bible and the previously developed philosophy of education. It explores the ways in which a biblical view of truth and knowledge influences curriculum design and application. Special emphasis will be placed on equipping students to write integrated units, assessments, and lesson plans that implement a school’s mission statement and core values. Prerequisite: EDU 101 and PSY 201 (3 credits)
303 Student Diversity
This course equips future teachers with the knowledge and skills required to meet the educational needs of students from diverse cultural and socio-economic backgrounds from a biblical, Reformed perspective. (3 credits)
304 Instructional Strategies (Secondary)
This course develops instructional strategies for secondary (7-12) teachers in their particular areas of disciplines or areas of concentration. Emphasis is placed on the development of strategies or methods that are in harmony with biblical norms, the nature of the student, the nature of the discipline, the ways students learn/know, and the unique dispositions of the teacher. Prerequisites: EDU 301. (2 credits)
305 Technology for Educators
This course prepares students to integrate technologies in teaching, learning, assessment, and the school curriculum. Students develop competence in planning and designing learning environments and experiences that use technologies and in using technologies in professional growth and productivity. The course addresses social, ethical, and legal issues in developing a Christian perspective on the use of technology. Prerequisite: EDU 202. (3 credits)
310 Teaching of Reading
This course is designed to provide a foundation to the teaching of reading in the elementary and secondary school. It includes a general survey of approaches to reading instruction along with a critical analysis of those approaches. The skills taught focus on those competencies that

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