Page 113 - 2019-2020 Academic Catalog - Providence Christian College
P. 113
the sovereignty of God, ultimate judgment and salvation, the new covenant and the coming of the Spirit. (3 credits)
205 Hermeneutics
This course is a study of the methods and principles of biblical interpretation. We begin with a survey of key figures and debates in the history of interpretation in the church. Then, because the Bible is both divine and human word, we study the nature and necessity of presuppositions, grammatical-historical interpretation, and contemporary application. Particular attention is given to the contested issues of the New Testament’s interpretation of the Old Testament, and the implications for faithful Christ-centered interpretation of all the Scriptures. (3 credits)
245 Survey of World Religions
An introductory survey of the historical development, beliefs, symbols, and practices of ancient, Eastern, and Western religious traditions. Religions studied include Animism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Judaism, Islam, East Asian traditions, and others, as well as the relationship of religion and culture and the concept of "religion" as a category of academic study. (3 credits) (Cross-listed as PHL 245)
295 Biblical and Modern Israel
This course will be an in-depth study of the culture and biblical history of Israel. As this class integrates the Avodah Program’s annual Immersion trip, students will spend 14 days in Israel focusing on the politics, geography, archaeology, ethnography, religion, etc., while traveling throughout the country, viewing biblical sites, and visiting with local church leaders. This trip will be the culmination of a semester of classroom time preparing students for the sites they will see. Students will especially come to a deeper understanding of the religious and social conflicts within Israel and the fight over the land. Students will meet weekly throughout the spring semester, with the Immersion trip taking place during May term. (3 credits + 1 credit for the Avodah Immersion)
315 History of Christianity I: From the Apostolic Era to the Reformation
This course examines the history of the Christian church from the time of the apostles to the European Reformation of the 16th century. Emphasis will be given to the geographical expansion of the church, the development of orthodoxy, forms of spirituality, and worship. (3 credits) (Cross-listed as HIS 315)
316 History of Christianity II: From the Reformation to the Present
This course is a continuation of BTS 315 from the Reformation to the present time. Emphasis will be given to the diversity of Protestantism, the challenges of the modern age, and the spread of Christianity worldwide. (3 credits) (Cross-listed as HIS 316)
321A Genesis
This course provides an in-depth study of this foundational book of origins. Special focus is given to interpreting the accounts of creation, fall, flood, and the rest of the primeval history, in view of challenges to their historicity and the need for a discerning appreciation of the findings of science. We explore the redemptive-historical theology of the book, highlighting