Page 110 - 2019-2020 Academic Catalog - Providence Christian College
P. 110

115 Studio Art I
Studio Art I is a class centered around group critiques based on student work. Students are given the freedom to work in whatever medium they choose and are encouraged to expand their creativity by experimenting with different art forms and approaches. The instructor will give specific reading and research assignments to each individual student based on their work. Studio Art I students are challenged to think critically about art from a reformed perspective and to experiment with different materials. (3 credits)
116 Studio Art II
Studio Art II is a class centered around group critiques based on student work. Students are given the freedom to work in whatever medium they choose and are encouraged to expand their creativity by experimenting with different art forms and approaches. The instructor will give specific reading and research assignments to each individual student based on their work. Studio Art II students are challenged to think critically about art from a reformed perspective and are encouraged to search for their own specific voice with their work by finding an appropriate medium and approach that best expresses their intentions. Prerequisite: ART 115 or instructor approval. (3 credits)
117 Studio Art III
Studio Art III is a class centered around group critiques based on student work. Students are given the freedom to work in whatever medium they choose and are encouraged to expand their creativity by experimenting with different art forms and approaches. The instructor will give specific reading and research assignments to each individual student based on their work. Studio Art III students are challenged to think critically about art from a reformed perspective and are expected to develop their own personal style of work. As this focus develops, students will be challenged to articulate the ideas and themes that are central to their work and understand the historical and contemporary influences on their work. Prerequisite: ART 116 or instructor approval. (3 credits)
118 Studio Art IV
Studio Art IV is a class centered around group critiques based on student work. Students are given the freedom to work in whatever medium they choose and are encouraged to expand their creativity by experimenting with different art forms and approaches. The instructor will give specific reading and research assignments to each individual student based on their work. Studio Art IV students will develop a clear vision for their own work both aesthetically and visually with a focused grasp on construction methods and materials used in the creation of their work. Students will begin to make work that is connected conceptually to their faith and will be able to write and speak skillfully about art, culture, and theology. Studio Art IV students will create a final show of their work that will be open to the whole school and to the public. Prerequisite: ART 117 or instructor approval. (3 credits)
211 Art Appreciation
 Art Appreciation is an introductory survey course offering a broad overview of western art history that highlights different approaches to art making in cultures that shaped the one we live in today. Through extensive slide lectures that cover a broad range of media from early Greek and Roman sculpture, Western European painting and modernism to contemporary art,

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