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Last week, the entire Providence student body took part in a two day campus-wide academic competition named, Resurgam (A Latin word meaning “I shall rise again”). This annual competition replaced what was previously the Academic Conference. 
To kick off this historic academic competition, Dr. W. Robert Godfrey, Chairman of Ligonier Ministries, President Emeritus and Professor Emeritus of Church History at Westminster Seminary California, was the featured keynote speaker at a special Tuesday evening convocation, speaking on the topic of “The Logos and the University”.
The inaugural theme for Resurgam this year was Logos. In Greek philosophy, Logos is associated with the integrating force that holds the universe together and allows for rational thought. In Christian tradition, this notion is attached to the second person of the Trinity, Jesus Christ, who John the apostle identifies as the Logosthe one who created and sustains our world. 
Click the VIDEO above to watch Dr. Godfrey’s message, which was addressed to the entire student body at Witherspoon Hall on the Providence campus.