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Christine Eaton has a deep passion for Christian truth and storytelling. Entering as a freshman into Providence Christian College, she is excited to attend a school that offers her an education in both.

“One of the main reasons why I chose to attend Providence was due to its strong Biblical foundation. Having the opportunity to obtain an education so enriched in Biblical theology and apologetics is something I truly value. Because I was homeschooled, my parents taught me from a young age that Christ is the center of every subject, including the most dreaded math.”

Christine sees herself one day as a High School Literature teacher and would also like to write children’s books. As she teaches and writes, she wants to combine the teachings of Scripture and storytelling. One of her favorite quotes is by Lanier Ivester, “Literature–like all the arts—is either redemptive, or it is destructive. It’s either marked by God’s presence or haunted by his absence. But you can’t miss him—even if you have no idea what you are looking at.” She is excited that Providence offers a wide selection of classes which will guide her along the journey of studying English while also providing her with a strong Biblical perspective. “This will not only help me grow intellectually but also Spiritually.”

Already, Christine Eaton has begun her writing career on staff with an online magazine called Kingdom Pen, where their goal is to equip Christian teenage writers to write with proficiency and purpose.

“I am so grateful for the opportunity to work for Kingdom Pen Magazine. It is a place where I can help encourage young writers to both write well, and write for the glory of God. My current role on the team is Social Media Manager, though I have had several book reviews and poems published on the site as well. I look forward to learning from my professors and utilizing what I learn in my writing at Kingdom Pen.”