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Providence is pleased to announce that Dr. Richard C. Gamble will be the featured speaker for the annual spring Academic Conference. In recognition of the 500th anniversary celebration of the Reformation, the conference will focus on John Calvin’s life and work in Geneva as well as how the Reformation transformed Genevan society.

The Academic Conference lectures will be held at 10:45 am and 1:30 pm on Thursday, February 9 and at 10:45 am on Friday, February 10. The public is welcome and invited to attend and all sessions will be held in Franson Hall on the campus of Providence Christian College. Register for the conference here to let us know you are coming!

Thursday, February 9 at 10:45 AM
Lecture One
: “An Emerging Reformation: John Calvin’s Early Life and Ministry in Geneva and Strasbourg”
Thursday, February 10 at 1:30 PM
Lecture Two
: “A Maturing Reformation: John Calvin the Pastor and Scholar”
Friday, February 10 at 10:45 AM
Lecture Three
: “A Full Reformation: How the Reformation Transformed Genevan Society”

Dr. Richard C. GambleDr. Gamble is in his 37th year of seminary teaching and has taught at Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary since 2005. He is also an adjunct professor at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. He formerly served as a professor at Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando, die Akademie für Reformatorische Theologie, Marburg, Calvin Theological Seminary, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, and as Scholar in Residence in the Great Lakes Gulf Presbytery of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America. He explains his teaching philosophy: “When a student comes into a systematic theology class, he comes into holy ground. As Moses took off his sandals, so should we. Theology is heavy and weighty, yet sweet and the stuff of life. While I do not give a sermon for lectures, my hope is that the lectures will ‘preach.’” He has been a minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian and Christian Reformed churches and is presently a minister in the RPCNA. He has served congregations in Switzerland, Michigan, Florida and Pennsylvania.

Past president of the Calvin Studies Society, Dr. Gamble is the author of The Whole Counsel of God: God’s Mighty Acts in the Old Testamentand Augustinus Contra Maximinum: An Analysis of Augustine’s Anti-Arian Writings. He is the editor of the fourteen volume ENCYCLOPEDIA:Articles on Calvin and Calvinism, co-editor and contributor to Pressing Toward the Mark: Essays Commemorating 50 years of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church and contributing editor for Eerdmans’ Calvin’s Old Testament Commentaries. He has contributed chapters to a large number of books and festschrifts, including “Calvin Bibliography,” in Tributes to John Calvin: A Celebration, “From the Early Church through Constantine,” in Revolutions in World View, “The Doctrine of the Atonement from the Westminster Assembly to the 20th Century,” in The Faith Once Delivered: Essays in Honor of Wayne Spear, “The Relationship between Biblical Theology and Systematic Theology,” in Always
Reforming: Explorations in Systematic Theology, “Calvin and Vermigli: A Study in the Foundations of Reformed Eucharistic Theology,” in Peter Martyr Vermigli and the European Reformations. Studies in the History of Christian Thought, and “Calvin’s Controversies,” in The Cambridge Companion to John Calvin.

A prolific writer, Dr. Gamble has written over 65 articles and book reviews that have appeared in scholarly journals including 16th Century Journal, Westminster Theological Journal, Calvin Theological Journal, Archive für Reformationsgeschichte, Reformed Theological Journal, Theologische Zeitschrift, Renaissance Quarterly, and Themelios as well as publications for a general audience such as The Christian Statesman, Presbyterian Journal, The Banner, Reformed Quarterly, The Reformed Presbyterian Witness, Urban Mission, Presbyterian Layman, Eternity, and Tabletalk.

Commitment to missions, both home and foreign, has long been a hallmark of Dr. Gamble’s ministry, and he has taught widely in the Christian community over three continents. He has lectured at Kobe Theological Hall; Tokyo Theological Institute; Hap Dong Theological Seminary; Chongshin Seminary; Cheon An University; Soongsil University; the Presbyterian Bible College, Taipei; the Evangelical Theological Seminary, Prague; The Free University, Amsterdam; Rutherford House, Edinburgh; The Reformed Theological College, Ireland; die Freie Evangelisch-Theologische Akademie, Basel, Switzerland; the Calvin 500 Conference in Geneva, Switzerland; and Ottawa Theological Hall, Canada; as well as at many universities, seminaries and learned societies in the United States. He has also spoken at numerous family Bible camps, church conferences, and seminars from the beaches of California to the mountains of New York.

Rick and his wife, Janice, have five daughters and four grandchildren.