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Providence Christian College is gearing up for another exciting Homecoming and Alumni Weekend on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28 and SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29! Homecoming Weekend is also Reformation Day weekend, and we will be celebrating with a special Reformation Day chapel.


10:15 AMProvidence Faculty Reformation Jeopardy quiz game! Students and Alumni are welcome to join us for refreshments and coffee as our professors are grilled on their Reformation knowledge! In addition, we will be holding a “Best Reformation Costume” contest for the student, staff, or faculty member who dresses the most like an important figure in Reformation history!


11:00AMReformation Day Chapel! Students, Alumni, and parents are encouraged to join us to hear our special guest speaker, Dr. W. Robert Godfrey, the President and Professor of Church History at Westminster Seminary, California.

5:00PM – 6:45PM Reformation Celebration Picnic / Volleyball Tailgate! Students and Alumni will enjoy eating hotdogs, fellowship, and play various campus games:

– “Fat-Friar Face-Off” Wresting Competition
– “Sola Scriptura” Sparring 
– Jousting Tournament 
– “Dunk the Monk”: Students & Alumni will have an opportunity to dunk a “mystery monk” 
– And more fun Reformation games! 

7:00 PM – Homecoming Women’s Volleyball game: Providence Christian College vs. Benedictine University at Mesa. The game will be held at the John Muir High School gymnasium (190DSC_1223 (2)5 Lincoln Ave., Pasadena, CA 91103) 

9:00 PM – Alumni Dessert, Drinks, and Appetizer Social Event at Barney’s Beanery (99 East Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91105)


Saturday is a great time to spend time with parents and friends exploring all that Pasadena has to offer. Need ideas? Check out this list!

7:00PMHomecoming Women’s Volleyball game: Providence Christian College vs. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. The game will be held at the John Muir High School gymnasium (1905 Lincoln Ave., Pasadena, CA 91103)  


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