In the second installment of The Great Exchange in Church History, Michael Horton, Robert Godfrey, Justin Holcomb, and Whitney Gamble conclude their survey of the Great Exchange throughout church history.
On this program, Michael Horton, Robert Godfrey, Justin Holcomb, and Whitney Gamble discuss how these crucial themes were developed and discussed throughout the life of the early church.
Providence professor Whitney Gamble recently had the opportunity to participate in a series of podcasts of the White Horse Inn. In the first podcast, she speaks with other leading Reformed theologians about the important doctrine of justification and how that impacts the way we live out our Christianity on a daily basis. Two more episodes will be published in the following weeks. Click on the link below to listen to this excellent broadcast!
Dr. Whitney Gamble is assistant professor of biblical and theological studies at Providence Christian College. She holds a PhD in theology from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, a Master of Theological Studies from Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and a B.A. in Biblical Studies from Geneva College in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania. Dr. Gamble enjoys learning languages, being outdoors, exploring Los Angeles, and traveling.