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    President Jim Belcher describes the Huntington Library and Gardens in Pasadena as “our very own portal to Europe right here in Pasadena”. On Saturday, January 23, Dr. Belcher toured a group of students through some of the highlights of the Huntington as he spent time showing them the rich cultural treasures housed there. 12558508_198777000473068_1612220019_n
     Students explored the Japanese and Chinese gardens, and also strolled through the American and European galleries. They were able to see the Gutenberg Bible, a rare and early collection of Shakespearian plays, a copy of the Canterbury Tales and some of the original Lincoln letters. They were also able to access a new section on American Impressionism.

Just three miles south of the campus of Providence, the Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens is just one of the world-class museums that students experience through the Avodah program in their time at Providence. Designed to help students engage with the cultural world of Los Angeles through music, architecture, history, and science and tech, the Avodah program consists of day trips around LA, bookended by classroom discussions.

     Other Providence students toured The Broad Contemporary Museum of Art on Saturday for their Avodah. Much of the Los Angeles art scene is characterized by contemporary (20th century) art, thanks in part to the philanthropic work of Eli Broad for whom this brand new museum is named. The museum features work by Andy Warhol, Roy Lichenstein, Kara Walker, and Ellsworth Kelly. The architectural firm behind the Broad is Diller Scofidio + Renfro and the museum sits next to the Walt Disney Concert Hall in downtown Los Angeles’s Bunker Hill district.

     “Visiting the Broad was a special opportunity for our students since it is brand new and features world famous art. This experience also reminded us all of the creative skill God has poured into certain people,” Max Belz said. “In addition, we were able to learn from Providence graduate Karolina Beveridge during the pre-discussion, as she is working on her Master’s  degree in art at The Art Institute in Pasadena. It’s great to involve our alumni on the Avodah’s as we see them working and learning in their respective fields after graduation.”.
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