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Providence Christian College held its 5th commencement exercises on May 4 at Pasadena Presbyterian Church.

23 seniors walked across the stage after Provost Russ Reeves presented the class to Dr. Dominic Aquila. The class of 2013 is the largest graduating class in Providence history and is the first class to have graduated since Providence earned accreditation earlier this year.

At the ceremony, Candace Janzen spoke to her fellow seniors about maintaining a sense of humility as they look ahead to the next stage. Her reflection was followed by the commencement address from Charles Morris of Haven Ministries. Between sharing personal examples, his two points to the seniors were to preach the gospel to themselves and to present the gospels to others. He is the president at Haven and has worked in news reporting and radio for much of his life.

On Friday night, the seniors’ accomplishments were highlighted during the senior celebration, a Providence tradition going back to the first graduating class. Besides hearing about their capstone projects, the final senior research assignment, those in attendance heard about the seniors post-graduation plans which ranged from teaching to graduate school to jobs in business. Graduates Shelli Cammenga and Laura Fobar announced their plans to teach school in Michigan. Others like Carissa Knol and Mark Hogan stated their plans to attend law school and seminary in the fall respectively. Such ambitious plans were reflected in the academic honors presented by Dr. Reeves.

In addition to hosting Friday’s event, director of student life Justin Bleeker was the keynote speaker. He encouraged the graduates to faithfully obey God in work, home, and church. He encouraged the students against a triumphalist mentality that says, “you’ll change the world!” As with past senior celebrations, the night closed with prayer for the seniors.

Click here to link to graduation photos!